Luang Phor Hong The Reverend Father Hong biographyThe Reverend Father Hong (Luang Phor Hong) Brommapanyo or the Lord Master Prasartbromakhun lived in the Tungmon Cemetery of Wat Petchaburi, Prasart District in Surin Province. His old name was Mr. Suwannahong Chamuadi, born on Thursday 23rd March 1918 at Tungmon village, Prasart District, Surin Province. His father name was Boak and his mother name was Auen ?they were farmers. Luang Phor Hong had 8 brothers and sisters ?he was the first son. He entered priesthood as a novice at 18 years old and ordained as a monk at the age of 20 at Wat Petchaburi.Present during his ordination were Luang Phor Prae Luang Phor Chueng and Luang Phor Gad. As a novice, his masters called him amanane Bromsorn?(Novice Bromsorn). After his ordination he was given the new name rommapanyo?Luang Phor Hong had studied both theoretical and practical dharma from many masters. Seven years after his ordination, he travelled to Cambodia to practice meditation and to seek peace. In addition he studied magic incantations from many masters. He finally returned to Wat Petchaburi, where he was appointed Abbot in 1973.Luang Phor Hong is known as one of the top guru monks of the present era, although he is now 90 years old. He is well-known and popular for his knowledge in both Dharma and Visha (supernatural arts). Luang Phor Hong Brommapanyo was a virtuous monk and performed many miracles bringing good luck and fortune to those who met him. He dedicated merit to people, cured patients with his wax and sacred water. His reputation as a Guru monk extended worldwide, as did the popularity of his amulets.Prince Narodom of Cambodia held great respect for Luang Phor Hong. So much so that he attributed the blessings of the great monk to his success in regaining control of his country. It is said that the prince had asked Luang Phor Hong what he wanted from helping him at that time, to which Luang Phor Hong jokingly replied ''half of Cambodia''. After the victory, the prince offered half of Cambodia as promised, but Luang Phor obviously graciously declined.Luang Phor Hong was also a developer and was involved in many construction projects such as new temples, dams, schools, roads, health centres and forestry. As a result of his untiring efforts and charitable work he was awarded an insignia heel of the Law?from Her Royal Highness Princess Theparatrajasuda in 1994. This was given in recognition of his services to the Buddhist religion and conservation. Even today Luang Phor Hong can be found at Tungmon Cemetery of Wat Petchaburi.His amulets:Luang Phor Hong's knowledge of Visha had come from Cambodia and is widely-proven for its efficaciousness. There have been reports of miracles and beneficial experiences related to Luang Phor Hong and his amulets among the locals of Surin Province, like protection from bullets and knives. In fact Luang Phor guaranteed that his amulets were not only sacred but efficient. He has said that ''you shouldn't even dispose of the box that came with the amulet. If you want to throw it away, please give it back to me.'' Also, he told his many disciples that f my amulets do not work, may I die one hundred times a day? Above all, you have to observe the five basic Buddhist precepts of moral practice. If you can follow these precepts, nothing can harm you.It was said that unusual phenomena like lightning and thunderstorms have also occurred during consecration ceremonies held by Luang Phor Hong in the past. What is most amazing is that not a single candle or incense stick was extinguished during the ceremonies, despite heavy thunderstorms. Devas and holy beings have also been reportedly sighted at the ceremonies. Such can be seen efficaciousness of the power and Dhamma practice of Luang Phor Hong. There have been many accounts in Thai media of the efficacy of his amulets and here are just a few:His golden idol (Guamn Thong) is known to bring luck and protection. A small child was being bullied and teased at school. His father placed Luang Phor Hong golden idol on the neck of his son and asked that the Luang Phor Hong, specifically bless the amulet to offer protection. When the boy was bullied again, he was able to lift up his much larger assailment and cast him aside. His amulets are widely worn by border control soldiers and police who have survived many dangerous and seemingly fatal incidences. Numerous accounts exist of miraculous survival from bombs and bullets. In the latest account a bullet from a machine gun ignited and fell to the ground before hitting the intended target. This is known to be the effect of a magic incantion known as uen Taek Nam?BR>A policeman had wanted to test the power of Luang Phor Hong's Takrut. He placed the Takrut on the ground and fired his pistol at it. He attempted to shoot the Takrut three times at close range, and on each occasion he was unable to hit the target, which appeared to move by itself. He visited Luang Phor Hong for an explanation, who said '' the amulet is not for trying''Another recent incident was the case of a Japanese gentlemen who reported a large fire that had burnt a number of terraced houses to the ground, only a single dwelling escaped the inferno. That house had a framed sacred yant of Luang Phor Hong hanging on the door.Luang Phor Hong is one of the top guru monks of the present era. He is well-known and popular for his knowledge in both Dharma and Visha (supernatural arts). Luang Phor Hong's knowledge of Visha had come from Cambodia and is widely-proven for its efficaciousness. There have been reports of miracles and beneficial experiences related to Luang Phor Hong and his amulets among the locals of Surin Province, like protection from bullets and knives. It was said that unusual phenomena like lightning and thunderstorms have also occurred during consecration ceremonies held by Luang Phor Hong in the past. What is most amazing is that not a single candle or incense stick was extinguished during the ceremonies, despite heavy thunderstorm. Devas and holy beings have also been reportedly sighted at the ceremonies. Such can be seen efficaciousness of the power and Dhamma practice of Luang Phor Hong.
大師在柬埔寨修行期間,一次行至一有山有河的地方,大師便在這處坐禪,一坐便由下午二時至零晨二時,當大師將開眼後,竟看見一天神從天而降,更教導大師一些神奇的法門,教導後天神便慢慢於大師眼前消失。當大師在向當天感謝天神教導時,突然在大師面前出現一位小孩,這小孩膚色全黑,站在動也不動,大師覺奇怪,便走到小孩面前,輕輕一碰小孩,小孩竟向後跌下地上,跟著更彈起站回,就像先前一樣動也不動,便繞到小孩背後,同樣輕輕一碰,小孩又向前倒下,但這次彈起後,這小孩竟變成約5米高的巨人,原來大師剛才已知道他是仙童 ,大師只是和他玩玩,這時仙童竟將製作古曼湯(金童子)的法門傳與大師,傳授完畢後仙童便消失了。現今龍婆孔大師所製的金童子都是依照這位仙童所教導之方法製作,所以大師製作之金童子,善信恭請後都同說非常靈驗。