Luang Phor Dee made a Pidta mekasit Phim yai.
Mekasit is a material when u are lucky it is shine and wonderful , When u are in unlucky or bad luck , it will be come blur and dark .
He is Luang Phor Tap Student , and Luang Phu Tap only did 1 pidta mekasit in his life there is about 247x or 248x ..and its consider top 1 pidta mekasit in thailand .
He is Luang Phor Tap Student , and Luang Phu Tap only did 1 pidta mekasit in his life there is about 247x or 248x ..and its consider top 1 pidta mekasit in thailand .
and now .. what i am showing is consideration of Top 2 Pidta mekasit in thailand and its not expensive .
This pcs have go for competition few months ago and get Placing of number 1.
Try to see the Phim finishing .. its wonderful and nice .
Made in 2532 by Luang Phor Dee Wat Praloop temple.