They talking about a broken somdej , missing pcs somdet , cracked somdej can be repaired. From the Photo , What do u think about it ?
1st picture comments.
How can a broken pcs can make to be like nothing happen ?
how they make the crack joint dissappeared ?
and replace with a good powder colour on the topping ? its make the colour very close.
Will the high end fake also can make to be perfect ?
2nd picture comments.
This is even worst after i know how the crack and lost pieces to be Replacement.
The bottom left of the pieces of somdej , i believed to be a somdej wat rakhang .
After i saw this picture , I'm thinking about ..
How they replace the pcs of lost ? and they make the material lookalike ?
without crack line ? with replacing of black colour paint or rak (rubber) to protect the amulet for the old ages amulet.
how they make the pcs of lost and cracked amulet to back as like a origin amulet?
LookS!!! the back of it !! the aging and the colour , material look very close.
My overview.
if they really can make the pcs of lost to be matching the material of somdej toh wat rakhang ? if they can make the paint or rak (rubber) to match with somdej wat rakhang ? they will be able to make the high end AAA fake to be play as a real amulet .
What i have been saw in the net and listen to some professional friend , some of the amulet which are expensive , and powder made . mostly will be go for xray to be verified its have a original condition without crack .
now i believe what the people said after i saw it again and again .
What's on your mind now ?