KUBA KRIT-SA-NA have his monk name is "IN-TA-WA-NO". He was born on August 1, 1954. Now he is 52 years old and present abbot of "WAT PA-MA-HA-WAN" Temple.KUBA KRIT-SA-NA was received his dination on October 27, 2522 when he was 25 years old. After that, He spent 10 years studying Buddhist holy texts , Old magic and practiced meditation in the forests located in North of Thailand. After 10 years of learn the local people became aware of a great monk that was residing in the area and requested that he move back to the forest and construct a new temple,Facilities were built along with a pond of water. KUBA KRIT-SA-NA used the earth from excavated pond to make the "SA-LI-KA" Couple as a sacred object of worship, blessed by KUBA KRITSANA himself. After that, KUBA continued to make his now famous and instantly recognised Butterfly amulet which in actual fact is a pair of "SA-LI-KA" Bird
古巴kissna - 出生於一九五四年,年少時認識了很多在家鄉附近山上修苦行的高僧及降頭師.最後拜了一位苦行高僧古巴咘為師並限隨他到寮國及柬埔寨學習法術,十年苦學之下,精於整套寮國法符籙,十九歲時己有'蝶王'的美稱,原因是師傅所製的蝴蝶佛牌獲各界高 度評價,師傅的信徒亦遍布泰國、馬來西亞、新加坡、香港及台灣。
師傅所修的為印度佛法,他常常在深山及一些山洞中修行,據說突然有天他在修行時見有蝴 蝶飛過,所以便有靈感開始製造蝴蝶佛牌,但早年推出時,都未有被接受,原因是人們從來未有見過用蝴蝶法相來製佛牌,但日子久了,很多人佩在帶後都感到十分好運,尤其在人緣運上往往有顯著改變,並且在生意工作方面有很好助力,師傅亦因此慢慢出名起來,直至現在他的信徒已遍布全東南亞。師傅製造蝴蝶佛牌的材料一般有108種花粉、廟宇泥土、特製的寶石及多種人緣聖物,故佛牌會發出陣陣花香,且香味十分持久。