Tuesday, 5 May 2009

The Scammer And Cheaters ( FAKE SELLER)

一不知羞耻以及道德卖家, 将会被告到我的GOOGLE BLOGSPOT.

为了提放一些买卖佛牌的人 有机会可以再欺骗其他人..那么你们也要看看这里..
体放一下..如果你们也有遇到一些买卖假佛牌,或是欺骗钱财的卖家..请发在我的CHATBOX. 我会帮你们更新..

The fake seller are doing their own foolish and shameful .

Here are the 2 Fake seller and Scammer from Everywhere i met.

If u found and fake seller and scammer ..Please let me know ..i will do some updating for the new players . i do not mind how people tell me , which i pointed wrong or not ..i know them well. they pissed nice cheater = ) cannot scam anymore ..and blocked me =)

1) Pikanes@hotmail.com A.k.a Mr Yai ( Bangkok and certain website )
He got His Own Website , But i hardly remember.

2) Pongtheb63@hotmail.com A.k.a Pongtheb or Sumbai_d / Kanes
Yahoo Email Address : Pongtheb63@yahoo.co.th (Bangkok and some forums)
Carilubang and Certain Forums , So he is many people so called master who only can read
the Thai langguage and words , But Cannot Verify Amulet .
Why do i get ban By Darren Moderator of Carilubang ?
Carilubang Darren Admin its not a amulet collector ?
What Darren (mylubang@hotmail.com) want is Money ,
Whoever can sell amulet inside , HE HELPING AND NEED PONGTHEB / SUMBAI_D
Faker Seller To Translate Thai langguage to English for the Member .
Why u Guys Still support them ? He just want the Rental from his FORUMS.
Take care yourself , Karma is all time on your life . Good Luck .
U helping All Fake Seller to Sell Fake amulet , and teaching Newbies to Buy Fakes.
U are Lucky that So much buyer still buying fakes shit inside there.
UPDATED 29th/NOV/2010
To All My Beloving Friends Who Love Thai Amulets .
Since I have started back to Thailand Amulet Worlds ,
This Person is the one who i will only
IGNORE 100% .

Do a Thailand Buddha Image Amulet Association Help u Verify Amulet?
Do a Pro Person will Spare his time to Help u Verify Amulet ?
Do a Ajahn Toh , LP Koay , LP Pilan , LP Nark , LP Eaim Goods Amulet are asking Price CHEAPER than the NEW one ?
If This is So Cheap ? Why are u still buying are the PRAPAGONDA / Business Minded / FACTORY MADE amulet with RM100-200 or even 300-500 BRAND NEW PER PCS ?
Doesn't Show your self in the mirror , u are still a newbie / no common sense / no personal verify and identiy knownledge / u have lack everything of amulet if u still contact with him . ONE WORDS , A Translator become a PRO AMULET VERIFIER.
He is Better than the Sammakorm (TBIAA) member because he can verify all the amulet , he should sit inside TBIAA (Thailand Buddha Image Admiration Association) to help ppl verify , In the Competition for Verify , but his amulet all is UNSTANDARD which he ABLE to CON+VINCE you to buy it .
What happen to malaysia , Are u Guys lack of money to get good amulet?
Where is Your knownledge? What Happen to all the kids outside.

I have to call you kids , because YOU Guys still Sleeping on the DREAM of Amulets.
Words to Sumbai_D / Darren Fake Seller Supporter (Maybe or Money Lacker) and all the Kids are still Sleeping tightly out-there waiting for the tiger =)
Carilubang.com Member please attention here . They are the insider. money maker.

3) Neo_carelessWhispers@hotmail.com A.k.a Ne0 (Multi-Account , Website Forumers , Yahoo Auctions , Bloggers , Tai_hin . and previous a.k.a Hin_tai in chinese too..baddest name in Hongkong that is why have to change the name to Tai_hin. Seller From HongKong.)

4) Le0_12 / tata泰佛泰兼 等等 利用 多个不同的帐号在 中国上海,香港 买卖 假佛牌..和 香港 卖家 Neo_CarelessWhisepers@hotmail.com 一起和做..为了 中国同胞.以及 台湾和香港等等之类东南亚佛牌买家..华人也要特别小心.
For the big fake seller , most of the item which they come with unknown and they are trying to sell many fake over in the internet in china website . the seller are shanghai and hong kong aswell..beware for the fake seller and the money is real .. the amulet mostly the fake v(",)

5) 香港-新闻组拉 newgroups.la 很多 阴牌区的 老大们..你们还好吗?
多个假牌商也是里面的 版主-买卖假佛牌..你们还好吗?
为了 安全起见..只有一个...没有卖假牌...其它都有的咯.
From the Newgroups.la website of giving many info of thai-amulet . the moderator who incharge the Sales and Barang ( Evil spirit amulet section) most of them are the fake seller and only show the Genuine and their house are full of Fake and trying to sell the price like the sky or heaven..
Seem to be know ..They have Blocked me , and said Malaysian seller are sucks and fake ...but they all buying from the malaysian ...zzz...What a funny joker which do not been to thai for once ? did u ? maybe sorry.