A type of Takrud expected to be old as 100 years old .
Luang Phu gaew passed away at the age of 69 in B.E.2462
Current Date is B.E2556 its about 96 years different .
In Thailand we name it Phitsamorn .
Most of the Top Collector is wearing this on neck .
Since the Introduction have made on the previous Phitsamorn i'll not typing.
This piece have won x2 cert in competition by samakorm however compared of condition the previous have better kept.
Year 2014 , i'll focus more in Phra Rian and Locket also Kuernlang (Talisman)
Stay Tune , Wish to make more friend and exchange more info.
Luang Phu gaew passed away at the age of 69 in B.E.2462
Current Date is B.E2556 its about 96 years different .
In Thailand we name it Phitsamorn .
Most of the Top Collector is wearing this on neck .
Since the Introduction have made on the previous Phitsamorn i'll not typing.
This piece have won x2 cert in competition by samakorm however compared of condition the previous have better kept.
Year 2014 , i'll focus more in Phra Rian and Locket also Kuernlang (Talisman)
Stay Tune , Wish to make more friend and exchange more info.