On the Year of of BE2551 ..~ The Last batch which make me no mistake on the year .
Luang Phor Sakorn Announce that the Khunpaen will not longer made .
the Book which i collected is on BE2552 . Show from the earlier 1st Batch to the Last Batch.
When ever a Sakorn's Collector , Should get 1 of this to learn all the genuine .
The Previous Luang Phor Sie / Luang Phu Toh / Luang Phor Sakorn now ..all is issue by the Temple . Learning a amulet not only know how to differentiate the Years/Phim / Colour ..
Its to know the REAL mould , the marking , the material .
Alot of Collector like to remember hundreds of phim , but end up they still collecting fake by mistakenly , by greedy for cheap , or by trust ..
To Prevent of fake to be in your collection , you should spend your time to really learn the amulet , use your genuine money to buy from TRUSTED Seller .
Learn from the Genuine and Go To MARKET ...and Look the others and differetiate the Phim Condition / Phim Marking / Phim Size / Phim Material / Phim Yant . or watever u can see.
The Books always help u , The Genuine always help u . The Trusted Seller with Good Reputation help u ..
But Beware of some certain website & forums . Posted the fake and teach the fake , and the last they will sell you fake .
Good Lucks to my website viewer .