This Pieces of Luang Phu Tim / Luang Phor Tim which ever do a.ka Putim (i used to call)
As Long we come in to Wat Laharn rai that we have no make mistake of which master made.
As Long we come in to Wat Laharn rai that we have no make mistake of which master made.
This Piece Actually have been keep for 2 years plus , which i have no time to upload cause whoever really visit my website or known me in personally . i have been working and met up alot of problem in life , till i settle down everything in smooth . i come back to the world which i ever like to be , is making a nice blogspot , teaching / showing / learning / sharing all kind of amulets , which i able to get in nice condition and good infomation .
I think alot of people have seen or not have seen it before , might be inside the books.
Which ever books we can see of Putim have this phim , they do not come with the perfect material of white powder on top. many collector do not keep it well , or drop it / missing it in uncertain ways . In here , Which i Concern that the 2 holes at the back which have POWDER LOST , Opps .. That not Powder Lost , Its Actually looking the code inside it , to ENSURE Genuines Pcs.
The photo i have shown on top is the best condition u can keep if u able to find 1 .
Special Powder from Putim wat laharn rai after scoping it , come with some yellow , that i dont even know what it is , i need some specialist to teach me aswell .
At Last , This pieces have made a Sammakorm Certificate and Sold to a Collector Stay in Kuala Lumpur , Which i do not offer to put his name over here.
Hope this amulet can share u to know the genuine of putim wat laharn rai
The Phim Name : -
Pidta Maha Ud Tamo Yant Yung Nur Chin Takua . BE 2518