Phra Siwalee Khao Orr chanting ceremony B.E.2511 at Wat Tham Khao Nguern, Chormporn.
Mixture of assorted kind of Wan that provide Luck and Attractiveness...
- Wan Setthi
- Wan Mahasetthi
- Wan Nguen
- Wan Thongkam,
- Wan Khorlurp
- Wan Kor Nguen
- Wan Kor Thong
- Wan Nangkwack
- Wan Nang Lom
- Wan Nang Kum
- Wan Phra nang Makawadi
- Wan Poi Sia
- Wan Poi Tan
- Wan Sanaychanhom Daeng
- Wan Sanaychanhom Khao
- Wan Kumarnthong
- Wan Mae Klom Look
- Yod Rak, Yod Sawat, Yod Kaloang,
- Wan Ittije Powder
- Na Pathamung Powder
- 9 of Pinnacle clay soilwith good names
- 9 of Molehill soil, fragrant flowers and Sandal.
This event Khun Pan has gathered Best of Southern Keji Monks and Khao Orr students, chanted by Khao-Orr's tradition ceremony.
Best Keji includes..
- Phra Archan Num ( Wat Donsala )
- Luang Phor Khong ( Wat Bahnsuan ),
- Phra Archan Pal ( Wat Khao Orr),
- Luang Phor Mun ( Wat Khao Daeng )
- and Archan Chum ChaiKhiri.
*(Years later, Archan Chum has brought this same batch of amulets to Re-chanted them once again at Ubosoth of Wat Chamni Hattakarn temple, Bangkok, in Year B.E.2515, this time Luangphor Khong Wat Bahnsuan with other best Southern Keji monks total of 9 together with Keji Monks from middle part of Thailand, Luang Pu Toh - Wat Pradoochimplee, Luangphor Ngern Wat DonYaihom and other great monks also join the Mass ceremony).