This is a Khunpaen Sadetkap Phim lek famous from Luang Phor Supa.
made in years of BE2506
In terms there are many in the market which do not have the white powder lookalike on top of the surface , and its famous if its are white on top . its not a holy powder.
in 50 years the majority of collector and wearer are more to like
1st is Luang Phu tim prai kumarn khun paen.
1st is Luang Phu tim prai kumarn khun paen.
2nd is Ajahn Chum 2497 first batch khun paen.
3rd is Luang Phor Supa with Ajahn chum made together in 2506 Swimming batches.
The ceremony they throw all the Amulet to the river and they chant , all or most of the khunpaen ..swim back to the river side and they gather it back..
very good ceremony and chanted by famous luang phor .