Tuesday, 5 May 2009

The Scammer And Cheaters ( FAKE SELLER)

一不知羞耻以及道德卖家, 将会被告到我的GOOGLE BLOGSPOT.

为了提放一些买卖佛牌的人 有机会可以再欺骗其他人..那么你们也要看看这里..
体放一下..如果你们也有遇到一些买卖假佛牌,或是欺骗钱财的卖家..请发在我的CHATBOX. 我会帮你们更新..

The fake seller are doing their own foolish and shameful .

Here are the 2 Fake seller and Scammer from Everywhere i met.

If u found and fake seller and scammer ..Please let me know ..i will do some updating for the new players . i do not mind how people tell me , which i pointed wrong or not ..i know them well. they pissed nice cheater = ) cannot scam anymore ..and blocked me =)

1) Pikanes@hotmail.com A.k.a Mr Yai ( Bangkok and certain website )
He got His Own Website , But i hardly remember.

2) Pongtheb63@hotmail.com A.k.a Pongtheb or Sumbai_d / Kanes
Yahoo Email Address : Pongtheb63@yahoo.co.th (Bangkok and some forums)
Carilubang and Certain Forums , So he is many people so called master who only can read
the Thai langguage and words , But Cannot Verify Amulet .
Why do i get ban By Darren Moderator of Carilubang ?
Carilubang Darren Admin its not a amulet collector ?
What Darren (mylubang@hotmail.com) want is Money ,
Whoever can sell amulet inside , HE HELPING AND NEED PONGTHEB / SUMBAI_D
Faker Seller To Translate Thai langguage to English for the Member .
Why u Guys Still support them ? He just want the Rental from his FORUMS.
Take care yourself , Karma is all time on your life . Good Luck .
U helping All Fake Seller to Sell Fake amulet , and teaching Newbies to Buy Fakes.
U are Lucky that So much buyer still buying fakes shit inside there.
UPDATED 29th/NOV/2010
To All My Beloving Friends Who Love Thai Amulets .
Since I have started back to Thailand Amulet Worlds ,
This Person is the one who i will only
IGNORE 100% .

Do a Thailand Buddha Image Amulet Association Help u Verify Amulet?
Do a Pro Person will Spare his time to Help u Verify Amulet ?
Do a Ajahn Toh , LP Koay , LP Pilan , LP Nark , LP Eaim Goods Amulet are asking Price CHEAPER than the NEW one ?
If This is So Cheap ? Why are u still buying are the PRAPAGONDA / Business Minded / FACTORY MADE amulet with RM100-200 or even 300-500 BRAND NEW PER PCS ?
Doesn't Show your self in the mirror , u are still a newbie / no common sense / no personal verify and identiy knownledge / u have lack everything of amulet if u still contact with him . ONE WORDS , A Translator become a PRO AMULET VERIFIER.
He is Better than the Sammakorm (TBIAA) member because he can verify all the amulet , he should sit inside TBIAA (Thailand Buddha Image Admiration Association) to help ppl verify , In the Competition for Verify , but his amulet all is UNSTANDARD which he ABLE to CON+VINCE you to buy it .
What happen to malaysia , Are u Guys lack of money to get good amulet?
Where is Your knownledge? What Happen to all the kids outside.

I have to call you kids , because YOU Guys still Sleeping on the DREAM of Amulets.
Words to Sumbai_D / Darren Fake Seller Supporter (Maybe or Money Lacker) and all the Kids are still Sleeping tightly out-there waiting for the tiger =)
Carilubang.com Member please attention here . They are the insider. money maker.

3) Neo_carelessWhispers@hotmail.com A.k.a Ne0 (Multi-Account , Website Forumers , Yahoo Auctions , Bloggers , Tai_hin . and previous a.k.a Hin_tai in chinese too..baddest name in Hongkong that is why have to change the name to Tai_hin. Seller From HongKong.)

4) Le0_12 / tata泰佛泰兼 等等 利用 多个不同的帐号在 中国上海,香港 买卖 假佛牌..和 香港 卖家 Neo_CarelessWhisepers@hotmail.com 一起和做..为了 中国同胞.以及 台湾和香港等等之类东南亚佛牌买家..华人也要特别小心.
For the big fake seller , most of the item which they come with unknown and they are trying to sell many fake over in the internet in china website . the seller are shanghai and hong kong aswell..beware for the fake seller and the money is real .. the amulet mostly the fake v(",)

5) 香港-新闻组拉 newgroups.la 很多 阴牌区的 老大们..你们还好吗?
多个假牌商也是里面的 版主-买卖假佛牌..你们还好吗?
为了 安全起见..只有一个...没有卖假牌...其它都有的咯.
From the Newgroups.la website of giving many info of thai-amulet . the moderator who incharge the Sales and Barang ( Evil spirit amulet section) most of them are the fake seller and only show the Genuine and their house are full of Fake and trying to sell the price like the sky or heaven..
Seem to be know ..They have Blocked me , and said Malaysian seller are sucks and fake ...but they all buying from the malaysian ...zzz...What a funny joker which do not been to thai for once ? did u ? maybe sorry.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Luang Phor Zhai Wat Sadet 2nd Batch 2496 Rian

The Luang Phor Zhai Wat Sadet , Samutsongkram Province.
Above is the 2nd batch rian , "Wheel of fortune style .."
lucky coming all the way , 12 pidta to Proctection ..look to be cool

However the looks is nothing to be compare .

we have to compare the power of the monk against to the other monk , (hehe)

Luang Phor Jai or Zhai are the same monk abbot of Wat Sadet .

The 1st batch rian is made of 2470 and 2nd batch will be 2496 ..

there is a 3rd batch after 250x or 251x i have no idea ..

Trying to find the monk photo in any forum for sharing about him

Good luck for Collections . This pcs now are belong to my friend - Mr.Stanley (Kuala Lumpur)

Monday, 9 March 2009

The Certificate for the Amulet Competition

Luang Phor Dee Pidta Mekasit Champion
Luang Phor Toh Pidta Mehasaneh 2nd Placing
Luang Phor Toh Pidta Kanokkang with 2 Takrut 4th Placing
Luang Phor Toh Pidta Langtao 2nd Placing

Competition Pantip Bangkok 8 March 09

Competition in thailand under Police nursing college , a big competition again in Pantip , Bangkok.

Mostly the Big time player and the Sian yai , sammokom are in there.

Here to show my Entries pcs

Enter 7 pcs got 4 winners

1) Somdej LPDaeng Black = Genuine

2) Somdej LPDaeng Grey = 2nd

3) Somdej LPDaeng Yellow = 4th

4) Pidta LangTao = 2nd

5) Pidta Mahasane = 2nd

6) Pidta DuangLek = Genuine

7) Pidta KanokKang = Genuine

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Luang Phu Tim - Wat Laharnrai 2518 Khunpaen

The above picture which i have shown is from Luang Phu tim Wat Laharn rai.

The different of 1st batch and 2nd batch years are 2517 and 2518 .

My pcs above are 2nd batch made in 2518 . The famous Khunpaen in Majority Top 1.

The Khunpaen are made with Phong prai kumarn and certain holy powder.

a very strong metta which have been told around the collector what is putim prai kumarn khunpaen ? Yes , its do ..

The above pcs are with pink meat (powder colour) , Gold paste and also gold foil .

Why this pcs are come with gold foil ?

when i have been told from my friend and asked the kamakarm or sian yai . which i have forgotten who are em' .

The Gold foil series in the market should no more than 50 pcs cause due to the time of 2517 /18 the devotee or follower from putim bring it to let him chanted 1 more time , and putim use to put a gold foil only on the khunpaen body ..

a niyom pcs which i have collects for putim ..i like it very much .

Hope the photo can lead u guys to view what is 2518 genuine mould ..

Somdej Sadungkup - Wat kao dak kao

This is behalf of my friend trying to show his Somdej Sadungkup over the net .

The surface of the sadungkup gold foil are made by himself ( my friend )

any one got a better info to tell me this mould are from which year ?

Thanks alot .

Picture are from Mr. Eric (Sarawak)

Somdej Wat kao dak kao 1st batch

This is Somdej wat kao dak kao condiser TOP 1 somdej in the phetburi province .

BE 2512 mass chanted and invited all among the era , powerful and abbot monk in thailand are all chanting in this batch ..this is famous in Thailand ..

However , Luang Phor Daeng Wat Khao bandai - it , is 1 of the famous monk in phetburi .and he is also go to this ceremony to chant this SOMDEJ Sadungkup .

The abbot for Wat Kao Dak Kao is Luang phor kao dak kao . if i never make a mistake it should be the same as the temple name .

well many soil and powder mixture from some old somdej broken pcs around phetburi and also some material which maybe i do not know have been enter.

Most of the book of Phra onk Champ .. Champ book from competition will be showing this .

Somdej Sadungkup 1st batch . BE 2512 is this ..
The above picture are belong to my friend MR.Khai. (kedah)
3rd placing in competition condition showing.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Luang Phor Dee Wat Pra loop - Pidta Mekasit

Luang Phor Dee made a Pidta mekasit Phim yai.

Mekasit is a material when u are lucky it is shine and wonderful , When u are in unlucky or bad luck , it will be come blur and dark .

He is Luang Phor Tap Student , and Luang Phu Tap only did 1 pidta mekasit in his life there is about 247x or 248x ..and its consider top 1 pidta mekasit in thailand .

and now .. what i am showing is consideration of Top 2 Pidta mekasit in thailand and its not expensive .

This pcs have go for competition few months ago and get Placing of number 1.

Try to see the Phim finishing .. its wonderful and nice .

Made in 2532 by Luang Phor Dee Wat Praloop temple.

Luang Phor Supa with Ajahn Chum - Khun Paen Swimming batch

This is a Khunpaen Sadetkap Phim lek famous from Luang Phor Supa.

made in years of BE2506

In terms there are many in the market which do not have the white powder lookalike on top of the surface , and its famous if its are white on top . its not a holy powder.


in 50 years the majority of collector and wearer are more to like
1st is Luang Phu tim prai kumarn khun paen.

2nd is Ajahn Chum 2497 first batch khun paen.

3rd is Luang Phor Supa with Ajahn chum made together in 2506 Swimming batches.

The ceremony they throw all the Amulet to the river and they chant , all or most of the khunpaen ..swim back to the river side and they gather it back..

very good ceremony and chanted by famous luang phor .

Luang Phor Daeng 2513/14 First Batch Somdej

A somdej from Famous Luang Phor Daeng Wat kao Bandai It.

Made years of 2513/14 .Genuine Pcs . Please check around the market ..there is many fake and people trying to play as genuine first batch !!

The previously i have shown is black , is niyom material in thailand ( niyom = famous )

Now this is Yellow shouldn't be niyom .
Try to look the side and there is a imprint on the beside line and is bigger than the usual abit.
This pcs do not cut the side and contains more material and bigger size .
Tried to ask some of the Committee member by my friend.
Have been told this is consider niyom.

what do you think ?

Luang Phor Daeng 2513/14 First Batch Somdej

A somdej from Famous Luang Phor Daeng Wat kao Bandai It.
Made years of 2513/14 .

Genuine Pcs . Please check around the market ..
there is many fake and people trying to play as genuine first batch !!

Thursday, 12 February 2009

ATTHANGA DISANI (Eight Directions Sutta)

Thai Chant In my Blogspot ATTHANGA DISANI (Eight Directions Sutta)

Thanks for Takahashi Ryosuke from imeem.com

Lyrics .


































































Burapha rassamin phrabuddhagunam

Protection from Buddha in the east area

Burapha rassamin phradhammetam

Guidance from the Dhamma in the east area

Burapha rassamin phrasanghanam

Guidance form the Sangha in the east area

dhukkaro kaphayam vivanchaiye sapphatuk sapphasok sappharok

Suffering and lamentation be destroyed, suffering, sadness, sickness,

sapphapai sapphakroh saniad janrai vivanchaiye sapphathanam

danger stars, not so good or bright be destroyed. May there be prosperity,

sapphalapam bhavantume rakkhantu surakkhantu

good luck, blessings and protection from the Triple Gems in the east area or path

Monday, 2 February 2009

Luang Phor Phrom Wat Chong Kae

Luangpor (holy father) Phrom was born on Thursday 5th night 5th month, year of goat of the Thai lunar calendar B.E. (Buddhist era) 12 april 2426 in dtumbon (sub-district) bungprok, amper (district) Maharaj of Ayuthaya province. His father’s name was Nai Mhee and mother’s name was Nang Lom kosarang. He was the 3rd child of four siblings.Luangpor learned to read and write both “Kom” (ancient scripture) and Thai from monks in the nearby temple from his village ever since he was a child. It was at this time he started to learn about Buddhism as well.

At the age of 21, Luangpor Phrom ordained as a monk in Wat (temple) Keanlai on 15 march B.E. 2447 and was given the Buddhist nick “Tawalo”. Luangpor Tomya was his preceptor. He then learned Kom as well as meditation from Luangpor Tomya and excelled in both. Luangpor Phrom had also learned from Acharn (teacher) Puang Witcha Akom (the skill of magical chant) before he became a monk. Luangpor Phrom was brought by Acharn Puang to learn Dharma and meditation from Luangpor Dam for 4 years. He then went to practice Withcha Akom under the guidance of Acharn Puwon for 5 years. After Acharn Puwon passed away, Luangpor Phrom stopped learning from any other teacher and went Tudong (forest dwelling) alone. All the teachers of Luangpor Phrom were the best during that time. Acharn Puang was the disciple of Luangpor Mah Wat Bungmuang, who was also the teacher of PhraChao Taksin Maharaj (Thai King) and Phra Baht Somdej Phra Puttayodfah Chulalod (King Rama I). As for Acharn Puwon, he was the disciple of Luangpor Nin Wat Kow Pasak of Petchabun province and Luangpor Seang Wat Molee Chonkhan of Lop Buri province.

Luangpor Seang was the teacher of Phra Somdej Puttakjan Toh Wat Rakangkositaram. Luangpor Phrom met many masters during his tudong days where as Luangpor exchanges magical skills with them. One of them was Luangpor Derm Wat Nongpo, the famous guru of Nakorn Sawan province whom he later went Tudong with. Luangpor Phrom went Tudong as far as Rangoon, Myanmar and had visited and paid homage to the great pagoda Shwedagon which houses the relics of the three previous Buddhas.

Luangpor Phrom then came back to Thailand passing through Dan Chedi Sam Ong (Three Pagodas Pass) at Kanchanaburi province, experiencing many large and small mountains, thick forests and risking many dangers like wild animals and poisonous snakes. Although Luangpor Phrom was able to overcome all these by using his magical powers, he chooses to avoid them when confronted, as not to cause any injuries to them.

When Luangpor Phrom finally went back to Thailand from his Tudong, he came upon Mount Chongkae at Amper Takri, Nakon Sawan province and encountered a storm. As Luangpor Phrom was unable to proceed further due to the storm, he took shelter and spent the night in a cave of Mt Chongkae. Luangpor Phrom started to look around and found that he can enjoy absolute solitude in the relatively small cave. He decided to stay in the cave for the Pansah (three month of Buddhist lent). At the beginning, the temple at the foot of Mt Chongkae or Wat Chongkae had only two monks staying there with no abbot. Surroundings of the temple were also unkempt. Upon hearing that Luangpor Phrom was staying in the cave, the district-councillor together with a few others went to invite Luangpo Phrom to reside at Wat Chongkae.
Luangpor Phrom then became the 1st abbot of Wat Chongkae.

The owner of the land whereby Wat Chongkae was situated decided to donate the land to the temple. Luangpor Phrom then got things organized and started to build several projects for the temple.By B.E. 2460, monk quarters, kitchen, and a Dharma hall had been built. Several villagers had also formed temple-committee. Together, they held plan to build a Bot (ordination Hall). Considering the large amount of money needed for the project, the committee decided to make amulets for fund-raising.

Luangpor Phrom was a very generous monk who like would give away anything he could to those in need. As in the case of Chek Tann (giving alms) batch of amulets made in the year of B.E. 2515, Luangpor distributed out all the amulets to the people who went for the ceremony till not a single coin left. Most batches of amulets made or blessed by Luangpor Phrom, had got the shape of a bell because of the way he sit in meditation resemble a bell (strong & Stamford) and also Luangpor fondness for big bells ever since he seen some during his tudong days in Myanmar. It is said that Luangpor Phrom was a monk who does not like to speak much. Instead, he preferred to listen to others talk. He is said to have the ability of knowing the future. There were several incidents whereby Luangpor’s speech came true (golden mouth).

1) Nang khiew Phan, a close follower of Luangpor Phrom, who operated a food-stall in chongkae railway station. Once had Luangpor telling her that she would be a millionaire soon for the goodness she had cultivated for helping the temple. Sure, not long after, she became rich from her food business.

2) There was once a committee member of Wat Chongkae who often misuse temple’s fund for his own expenses. When news got to the ears of Luangpor, he said that whoever dared to misuse temple’s fund, the person will have his stomach spilt open. Those who heard what Luangpor said, had got no idea what he was talking about initially but soon, news of the said committee member suffering from incurable stomach illness and he died of it not long after had the people finally realizes what Luangpor had meant.

3) During one of the temple’s celebrations in B.E. 2515, besides amulets, towels with the temple’s stamps were also distributed to those who helped in the celebration. Those towels, which were blessed by Luangpor Phrom were deemed limited and all had been distributed out during the celebration. As such, many of those who have not got it went to the temple to ask for them. That was when a monk from Wat Chongkae bought some from the market and started to distribute them outside the temple without the knowledge and blessing of Luangpor Phrom. When Luangpor heard about this, he said, “The crazy monk shall become mad if he continued doing that”. Not long after, the said monk became insane and started wandering all around the place aimlessly and had since gone missing.Phra Saman Kitiwutato, a monk in Wat Chongkae. He had ever witness Luangpor Phrom walking across the surface of a pond situated not far away from the temple in year B.E. 2496 when Phra Saman was a kid, at that time he was playing near the vicinity of the pond together with a few of his friends whom, later became close devotees of Wat Chongkae.

Besides making numerous batches of amulets which were proven for its effectiveness on protecting the wearer, Luangpor Phrom was also very skillful in making herbs. The herbs were extremely effective and had cured many people with various illnesses. The herbs were made annually during his birthday celebration. The traditions of making the herbs or “Dtom Yah” celebration were still being held every year till today.Luangpor Phrom lived in Wat Chongkae for a total of 58 years (B.E. 2460-2518). He passed away on 30th Jan B.E. 2518 @ 1500 hrs at the Bungmi Hospital in LopBuri Province at age 91 years, 71 years of monk hood.

The body of Luangpor Phrom was still in the original condition as when he died. It was housed in a glass coffin at the top of the Dharma Hall of Wat Chongkae for worshipping. No sign of decay or insects infesting were found on his body. In fact, Hairs and nails on his body were still growing. This, many people had said that Luangpor Phrom had attained Aranhantship

(enlightenment).Those who would like to pay respect to Luangpor Phrom in Wat Chongkae can bring alone face masks or figurines of Thai traditional dance for worshipping of Luangpor Phrom as Luangpor was very fond of these when he was alive. Many people had their wishes fulfilled and brought these items to worship Luangpor Phrom as a gesture of thanks-giving.Date of ceremonies held at Wat Chongkae annually:-1) 29-30th Jan - The Death Anniversary.2) 5-6-7th, 5th month of Thai Lunar Calendar – Birthday & Herbs-making Celebration.
3) 12-13-14th April- Songkan festival (bathing of Luangpor Phrom’s statue).

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Khunpen JedNari LP Koy Wat KaoDinTai, Buriram

Om Siti Fa Pian Si Ku Ngam Ku Fa Na Ma Pa Ta
Na Ku Ngam Kru Pa Narai Na Ma Pa Ta
Chai Ku Ngam Kru Pra In
Jit Ku Ngam Kru Pa Jun Na Ma Pa Ta
Ku Ja Rum Luk Tung Luk kai On Ku Ma Ram Dai
Ku Ja Rum Luk Tung Sao Jai Kor Ma Luem Mae
Ku Ja Rum Luk Tung Sao Kar Kor Ma Long Lai
Ku Ja Rum Luk Tung Phaya Chang Prai Kor Ma Luem Prai
Ku Ja Rum Luk Tung Jao Tai Kor Ma Leum Suad Mon
Ku Ja Rum Luk Tung Fung Chon Kor Ma Ruk Ku Yu Tua Fa
Pan Din Na Mo Bud Dha Ya
Sa Ha Sa Hom

龙婆GOY 坤品 Jednari 版经文 。

Katha Biagae LPCher Wat KlangBangKaew

Luang Phor Jer (Cher) Wat klang bang kaew

"Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma-Sambuddhassa" (3 times)
Ei Ti Pi So Ba Ga Wa To
Ya Tra Ya Ma Dee
Dai Yam Pra Sri
Sa Was Dee La Po
Na Mo Bu Da Ya

龙婆则 挡降贝 泰国 经文

Katha KMT LPYeam Wat SamNgam

"Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma-Sambuddhassa" (3 times)

Put Ta Sa Boo Cha
Tam Ma Sa Boo Cha
Sang Ka Sa Boo Cha
Pa Ti Pa Ti Boo Cha
Pa Wan Tu May
Ud Ka Sa Ud Ka Sa

龙婆严 古曼通 经文

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Competition December 21st 2008

Thai Navy Competition .
On Scene PHoto.

泰国佛牌在曼谷 - 2008年 12月21日。。

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Kruba Somchai - Sothorn amulet!! KONGKAPAN!

Kruba Somchai - Sothorn amulet .
1 of a pcs with great chanting ceremony and we can get his cd in the market.
CD is telling how the ceremony , chanting and knife testing .
The Below is one of a scene in the CD , Thanks for WAT3281 for uploading.

Luang Phor Somchai - Namman Prai Leut.

Great Charming Oil NamMan Prai Leut - help you to have good relationships.

Please do not miss opportunity if you like power spirit.

From: LP SomChai of Wat Darn Gwee-an, Nakhon Ratchasima province

Color: Red Material: Oil of dead body from cemeteries mixed a kind of material is known as magic that make amulets. It is top secret about many materials.

Year: C.E.2008 (B.E.2551)

Purpose for making: This Charming Oil has been made amulets that require donation of money for developing the temple.

Ceremony: LP SomChai make and write Yahn script on the bottle one by one. LP calls spirits into the ceremony with ancient KaTha.

Powerful of this amulet: This NamMan Prai Leut is especially powerful in charming with opposite sex.

According to LP: SomChai
1. First time, you have to use 5 incenses and liquor with KaTar to invite to your house by three days.
2. If the owner falls in love with someone, you use 1 incense with KaTar and then touch this oil at your eyebrow and the end of shirt.
3. The owner can carry this oil go to any where, it will help you have good relationships..

Biography of:LP SomChai of Wat Darn Gwee-an, Nakhon Ratchasima province is well-known among Guman Thong amulet collectors. LP SomChai has knowledge of Visha (magic) and has been studied the art of making efficacious Guman Thong amulet from many masters. Also, he learned further from Khmer ancient magic book. His amulet very well-know in previous era. LP Somchai made Guman Thong and amulets in ancient style.

Mahamantra Mahasane Phaya Takrua - LP GOY

Charming Oil Mahamontra Mahasaney Phaya Taykrua

Temple Name: Mahamontra Mahasaney Phaya Tay Krua

LP Goy, Wat Kowdintai , Buriram province

Year: B.E. 2551 (C.E.2008)Material: many holy materials

1. Namman Chang Pasom Khlong, Namman Pitsavas Jao Choo, Namman Naree Rum Pung, Namman Phaya Te Krua, Namman Sao Long, Namman San Nang Rak (occur when the elephants has sex and good at Metta Mahaniyom. The one you see will love you; the hate will change to love you. The more of love will happen to you.

2. Pong Mai Garlong Nok Kok Tai Ka Ton (birds are dying on the branches of the trees), you can find from the forest in Khmer which has the birds’ decay a lot falling on the floor.They believed that it is an auspicious trees that has a lot of charming and bring to be the ingredients in this Namman Montra Mahasaney.

3. Pong Pong Dok Mai Thong, most animals used to eat at night and bring to mix in this Namman Montra Mahasaney.

4. In-koo Sep Rak. It is the believe of the northern part that the first male and female of the world is the amulet that worship and then the couples will live together well, who has no partners, will have.

5. Takrut Saney Riek Rak. This Takrut is known as powerful thing that could help the owner to be admired and love.

Purpose for Making: This charming made for require donation to develop the temple.

Powerful: Nammanmontra Mahasaney Phaya Tay Krua is great in charming for both male and female without human corpse so you can use happily for the one who loves you and you love him.Important LP Goy is not allowed to use with the one who has her partner definitely. Everyone will love you and the one who hate you will change to love you, too. Use both the same sex and opposite one. You should dip it into your mouth, body or shops even take it with himself will be charming.

The history of LP Koy

LP Koy is good at Khmer science and has a strong relationship in LP Chuen. LP Koy is used to help LP Cheun for making amulets.Besides, LP follows with the ancient Khmer science when LP helps LP Chuen by pluk sek in Khmer language.Furthermore, after pluk sek LP Chuen tells to the followers that LP Koy pluk sek in order to help LP Chuen. After, receive the amulet, you should take a merit to 9 monks and you will see the truth.

Namman Prai Nang Kruan - Ajahn Sarieng

Namman Prai Nang Kruan - Made following Ancient Khmer Magic Knowledge

Temple Name : Namman Prai Nang Kruan = this charming oil have power to help person who have problem about love.

From: AJ Sarieng MuangSurinMaterial: Oil of dead body from cemeteries and tied with black thread
Year: C.E. 2008 (B.E. 2551)

Thailand Ceremony: Arjarn made and blessed this charming oil follow his guru Kramer master. Powerful: this charming oil is especially powerful securing good fortune in business affairs and love to the owner.

Biography of Arjarn Sarieng MuangSurin:

AJ Sarieng MuangSurin is knowledge of Visha (black magic) and has been studied the art of making efficacious charming amulets from many guru Kramer mastersHe is one of the top guru masters who have reputation for his proficient in Khmer magic and Buddhist dharma. He is well-known among amulet collectors. Arjarn Sarieng had made many charming amulet to his disciples since he was ordained. Many disciples fulfill about love from his amulet.

Namman Prai Oil – Add Great Love from Opposite Sex (AJ Neng PraiThong, Thai Amulet)

Holy Strong Prai Oil – Add Great Love from Opposite Sex!!

Name: Namman Prai From: AJ Neng PraiThong

Size: 4 cm x 5.5 cmYear: C.E.2008 (2551)

Color: YellowMaterial: Oil of dead body from cemeteries
Origin: ThailandCeremony: Arjarn made ceremony in cemeterie

Power: People believe that this Namman have powerful to securing good fortune in business affairs and love to the owner.

Biography of AJ Neng : Arjarn Neng PraiThong is a guru layman who makes great metta products. He is deep knowledge of Visha (Magic) of making efficacious “Na Ok Tag” amulet from teacher “Tow Wieng Sa Wan” who created style of Na Ok Tag amulets of Lao. Arjarn Neng met his teacher when he was a monk and whet or Tudong to Lao.Regarding to make this spirit, many Arjarn Neng’s disciple request his to make this magic oil for protection them.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Ahjan Meng Gumanthong - Limited 6 Pcs BE.2551

Ajhan Meng , Bangkok . who made this at BE2551 only limited 6 PCS
in a Lucky met , I get 2 Of them in my Collection .
wonderful Material .

Girl Bone with HolyPowder and 2 Silver Takrut to enhance the POWER .

Gumanthong , Nice and small easy for travel.