佛牌名稱 :魯仕
高僧佛寺 :龍婆碰馬
泰國人相信魯仕曾經是佛陀的老師,把泰文(NU SIE)譯為中文(老師)實在非常貼切,龍婆碰馬更加是近年製作魯仕佛牌者中最著名高僧之一,配帶過這位師父聖物也有不錯的效果。
Amulet : Reusi / Lersi
Monk : Luang Phor Phromma
Temple : Wat Hin Panangkuay
Made : BE.2537 (C.E 1994)
高僧佛寺 :龍婆碰馬
泰國人相信魯仕曾經是佛陀的老師,把泰文(NU SIE)譯為中文(老師)實在非常貼切,龍婆碰馬更加是近年製作魯仕佛牌者中最著名高僧之一,配帶過這位師父聖物也有不錯的效果。
Amulet : Reusi / Lersi
Monk : Luang Phor Phromma
Temple : Wat Hin Panangkuay
Made : BE.2537 (C.E 1994)
Effectiveness: Upgrading the wisdom , avoiding evil spirits, the need for creative inspiration . Its for ppl who have often Jittery mood and have dangerous job person use.
Info : This statue Reusi made of pure silver casting, whose LP Promma at the age of 96.
In contravention of Indian law , at the bottom of statue have enter Holy powderby Masters Luang Phor Phromma . Every respect branded imprint and unique security code, then completed by the addition of LP Phromma chanting and Blessing for a Period before the worshippers for the request , so the strength of the considerable power of Hope is a very worthwhile collection of Reusi.
Reusi , Thai people believe that the is Buddha's teacher, Thai (NU SIE) translated intoChinese (teacher) is very appropriate, LP Phromma Great touch in recent years produced more Reusi . He is One of the Famous Buddhist monk with making Reusi Amulet. Worshippers come with Good Result.